Serving the community since 1970

Pastor's Corner: Don't stress – celebrate!

We’re counting down to the end of the year, and we’re in what should be the best two months of the year! November and December have the most holidays, generally excellent weather (in our area anyway) and great food. What’s more, everything from school lesson plans to community activities in November are focused on gratitude, and in December on joy and peace. It should be amazing!

Yet many of us are too stressed out and exhausted to take a walk in the cool, crisp air or to enjoy the great opportunities to gather with friends and family. It’s hard to be stressed and grateful at the same time, and worry will kill both your joy and peace.

Jesus gave His life so that yours could be abundant, blessed and amazing. And that incredible life He offers isn’t about what you have in the bank or even the specific circumstances of your family or your health. It is a deep well of inner joy and peace that only comes from an intimate connection with your Creator and Savior. It’s a life full of meaning and purpose, where He helps you play a significant part in His eternal plan.

And that same Jesus gives the best advice about how to stop stress and anxiety from stealing your time and in the process, your hope, gratitude, peace and joy. In the Sermon on the Mount, He said, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.”(Matthew 6:25) He reminds us that God provides for the birds and beautifully dresses the flowers, even those that last for only a day. Jesus adds that God knows exactly what we need and if we focus on Him, He will provide. As 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast your cares on Him (God), because He cares about you.”

If you’re ready to shake off your stress and cast your worries on God, the scripture has some practical things you can do. First, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) This means continually expressing gratitude (out loud), even when life isn’t all you might wish. The darkest day still has a ray of sunshine somewhere. So look at and talk about whatever light there is! When you stop repeating your worries and fears and start declaring hope and thanksgiving, you’ll be amazed how much lighter you feel.

Second, instead of complaining to everyone else about your problems and needs, just ask God. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Again, this does not mean to harangue God and give Him a list of instructions for everything you want Him to fix in your life and those around you, and exactly how you think He should go about it. When you ask with a grateful heart, remembering all He has already done, it will increase your ability to stop worrying and just trust Him. In fact, the very next verse promises He will pour out an amazing peace in your heart that nothing and no one can destroy.

Finally, keep your mind on the right track! ”Choose to think about what is true, noble, right, pure and lovely, instead of ugly rumors or what you fear might happen.” (Philippians 4:8)

Here’s something true you can think about: God loves you and has an amazing plan for your life, one that is full of gratitude, joy and peace, not just in November and December, but all the time, regardless of your momentary circumstances. He’s just waiting for you to turn to Him and find it all. That’s something to celebrate!


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