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Pastors Corner: I will still serve Jesus

On Nov. 8, the United States will have its midterm elections. The midterm elections have been the main issue on talk radio programs and nightly news channels. We have heard the candidate’s arguments on policies, and we have heard their promises to you and I. I know one thing, when this election is over and no matter who wins, I will still be serving Jesus Christ. He will still be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I saw a button pin the other day that said "I vote for Jesus. " I thought it was interesting, and began to think why someone would make that button pin.

Jesus has the strongest economic plan. Philippians 4:19 says, ”but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” The Bible says, “daily he loads us with benefits.” I can testify to the fact that the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He has supplied and met every financial need in my life. He has the best economic plan there is. I will continue to serve him.

Jesus has the best health plan. The Bible calls him the Great Physician. Luke 6:19 says, “he healed them all.” There’s never been a sickness or disease too big for him. He says I am the Lord that heals you. “Himself took our infirmities and bare our sickness.”

An elderly lady in church once told me that growing up they lived way out in the country. There was no doctor around, and many times her family had to call upon Jesus to make a house call.

Jesus has a fabulous foreign policy. Mark 16:15 says, “go into all the world, and preach this gospel to everyone.” One of the most exciting times in church is the missions offering. We get to participate in the Lord’s foreign policy plan as we with our giving help evangelists and missionaries in other countries. Jesus’ foreign plan invites all to come to him for salvation. Whosoever will let them come. He will turn no one away.

So no matter who wins the midterm elections, I will still serve the Lord. He has never lied, and he keeps his promises.


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