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Students move on to 1st grade

It was a happy day of celebration at the John L. Prueitt Elementary School kindergarten graduation. Students, parents and staff enjoyed the ceremony that recognized the youth for their dedicated efforts to fulfill all of the requirements necessary to move on to the next grade level.

"It was a culmination of a lot of hard work. Today was nothing but joy," said Principal Rosalinda Chairez.

Parents were proud of their young ones.

"I am very proud of her because she has accomplished a great deal at this school," said Antonio Ramirez of his daughter Karen.

Lucero Paniagua said of daughter Sophia, "She makes me proud because she is a smart little girl and very independent. I think that is due in great part to her wonderful teachers."

The event included a performance by the kids, and there were lots of smiles on stage.

They sang a Frank Sinatra song that they modified to go along with the occasion, and the kids were ecstatic with their presentation.

"The students practiced all week long to learn their song and how to line up for the event. There was much preparation to make the event special," said counselor Ore Sanchez. "It was really cute."

There was lots of excitement and emotion.

"I am excited for her, and I am both happy and sad because my little girl is growing up. Even so, I am pleased that she is moving up to the next grade," said Lupita Melgoza of her daughter Maria.

Students accomplished many goals.

"My daughter has learned to love books and to read. She knows her numbers and the alphabet and can write her name. She also learned to socialize and interact with other kids," said Melgoza.

"We are excited for her to begin 1st grade. She has made significant progress that has prepared her for this," said Marco Martinez of his daughter Maddie.

Social worker Mayte Quintana Raya taught them behavior management, coping skills, relaxation techniques and the importance of attendance.

"This has helped the students learn the basic rules of schools, including major components of letters and sounds that will guide them through their future academic years," said Quintana Raya.

Students were overjoyed that their parents came to support them.

"I am so happy that my dad came," said Jaydn Torress.

"It was fun because my parents came," said Marrissa Mancilla.

"I took time off from work to be here because it was important for me to show him how much I care. I want to be here for him at every moment like this," said Rafael Torres of his son Jaydn.

Parents recognized how kindergarten changed their kids.

"She transitioned from not wanting to go to school to looking forward to it every day. Her teachers were great and good people," Ramirez said.

"The highlight is that she has learned how to bring the best to her studies. Now she loves school," said Gladys Ordaz of her daughter, Jael Bordas.


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