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Volunteers come through in community cleanup

Volunteers from the City Council, Wasco High School, Code Enforcement and the Sheriff's Athletic League all participated in the most-recent community cleanup.

Code Enforcement officers led the citywide cleanup on Saturday at Barker Park.

County Supervisor David Couch was accompanied by the owner of American Refuse in Wasco, Jeff Martin.

City Manager David Ortiz-Hernandez and several members of city staff assisted at the cleanup. In addition, Target employees also volunteered for the morning cleanup.

Wasco High School varsity football players were visible in large numbers as they gathered at the park before the start at 9 a.m.

Student Council Advisor Rosario Alvarado from Clemens School and Student Leadership Advisor Maria Rosario Alvarado led a group of third, fourth and fifth-grade eager volunteers ready with gloves and bags in hand to begin working the alleyways in town.

Students combed the alleys to pick up any small trash and mark the large items for pickup from the driving crew.

"We filled several truckloads as high as we could with large items," Independence High Principal Martin Lonza said. "We had mattresses, refrigerators, stoves, couches, etc. I couldn't believe what people thought was old – they must have purchased new furniture and were replacing it, leaving it to be picked up by us."

Wasco High Principal Kevin Tallon said, "The varsity football team was eager to help with the cleanup, and most of the team showed up to help."

Alvarado told her student volunteers that whoever had the heaviest bag would get a prize on Monday. Those kids scrambled to find anything they could; a couple tried to pass off rocks but were quickly told they didn't qualify.


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